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Catch up on Canadian news in 5 minutes 

Your one-stop shop for sugary, scrumptious, bite-sized Canadian news to go with your morning pancakes! 

Has this ever happened to you?

You read an alarming headline that's relevant to you as a Canadian, so you google the issue to find out what's going on, but end up even more confused. In the end, you give up and carry on with your life because Canadian news is boring anyway. You tell yourself that at least it's not as bad as the States, but you still feel a twinge of discomfort for not knowing about that bill being blocked in the House of Commons or why people are protesting. 

If so, The Daily Maple will prevent that from ever happening again! 
Welcome to the future! 

Why subscribe?

Below are 6 reasons to subscribe to our free newsletter!

If that still won't convince you, check out this sneak preview of one of our previous weekly newsletter emails.

1. Not Boring

Canadian news is often boring. Our newsletter aims to provide news in a fun and engaging way with our delivery and side features, and we keep things short and to the point.

2. Provides Context

News articles are difficult to follow these days without a lot of background information. Thats why in our newsletter, we provide context to help you understand what's going on with that new bill or political scandal.

3. Reliable & Consistent

You shouldn't have to piece together important public announcements from tweets or Instagram posts. You should have a reliable place where you can find important news, and not one dictated by view-seeking algorithms.

4. Useful Information

Unlike most news sources, our newsletter focuses more on information that will actually apply to your life. The latest COVID measures, the updated tax rebate, or when the upcoming election is and who the candidates are.

5. No More Doomscrolling

You get to know what's going on in Canada with our concise explanations of the biggest and most relevant stories, without having to spend hours reading through upsetting news.

6. Win Free Prizes

When you subscribe, you are automatically entered to win a free prize every month. These prizes include stickers, mugs, tote bags, and more!

“Its great - I usually see these headlines throughout the week, but never have time to read past that. When Sunday evening rolls around, being able to catch up on everything notable in 5-7ish minutes is amazing "
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